The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. - John F. Kennedy — Inaugural Address, Jan. 20, 1961

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Your DNA is Changing! (Part I)

Tuesday 10/9/07

Bullet-proof scientific data confirms what mystics have said for thousands of years -- life is being guided by an outside, intelligent force permeating the Cosmos.


Do you believe you are an accident?

Do you owe your life to a series of random, unpredictable mutations?

Are you now able to read these words because your ancestors were the most adept at killing each other?

Is your life a statistical fluke, seen nowhere else but Earth due to the towering impossibility of it ever happening again?

If you believe anything other than Darwinian evolution, does that automatically make you a Fundamentalist zealot?


Everything we think we know about DNA is changing. Four new studies have emerged to support our original hypothesis -- that DNA, and life as we know it, is assembled by a universal energy field that appears to be conscious:

1. Normal conditions in space cause DNA-like helixes to form spontaneously. [See our previous article.]

2. "Junk DNA" now turns out to be just as active as the genes -- completely trashing all mainstream models of how DNA works.

3. Bacteria grown in space are 300 percent more toxic than bacteria grown in identical conditions on Earth.

4. A simple marine organism spontaneously evolves after being zapped with a special form of light.

These are only the latest additions to an impressive body of data we have been building up since 2000, when we first realized that "before there was DNA, there was the Wave that created it."

By the time you finish this article series, you will see how all of this neatly ties together.


New evidence increasingly tells us life is not a product of random mutations.

What does that leave us with?

Some scientists are now advancing the idea of "Intelligent Design" as an alternative. The mainstream media vigorously attempts to marginalize this movement and lump it together with Creationism.

Hence, the average person is being told they either believe in science (Darwin) or superstition (Fundamentalist Creationism) -- and most people are still falling for it.

Many 'whistleblower' reports have surfaced suggesting that the world's political-corporate elite very much believe in the Darwinian model. Nature is a cruel, ravenous beast, supporting only those who are the most bloodthirsty.


Popular movies such as "The Matrix" [Agent Smith] and television programs such as "Battlestar Galactica" [the Cylons] and "Heroes" [the villain Sylar] continually reinforce the idea that this competitive, murder-based evolution is the only real truth of Nature.


Quid pro quo, those who perpetrate these injustices upon others are simply at the forefront of human evolution.


Let's cast aside these prejudices and look at some real data for a minute.


If evolution is not a product of random Darwinian mutations, then what is it?

If Intelligent Design is the answer, then is it a slow, grinding, gradual, ever-continuing process?

Year by year, century by century, aeon by aeon, do new species slowly appear?

Or, are there certain moments where all species on Earth spontaneously change, followed by millions ( ! ) of years where nothing happens?

University of Chicago paleontologists David Raup and John Sepkoski discovered just that... a 26-million-year cycle in the fossil record.

This came from the most exhaustive study of marine fossils ever assembled -- from over 36,000 different genera:


Raup and Sepkoski were not looking for this result... in fact, they kept working harder and harder to try to get rid of it, but the more they looked, the clearer it became.

The vertical axis of this particular chart is misleadingly labeled, as it is not a chart of 'extinction' but rather of 'speciation.'

The higher the graph goes, the more new creatures are spontaneously appearing in the various layers of ocean crust -- never before seen in history.

Most people simply write this off as asteroid / comet collisions or volcanic eruptions. However, some of the events you see in the graph occurred without any cataclysms going on.

Living things, all over the earth, simply "decided" it was time for a change.

Or... something pushed them!

If this were true... then DNA cannot simply be a cold, dead molecule.

It must be interacting with a Field.

Either the Field pushes the DNA to restructure itself, based on its own internal codes...

Or the Field uploads the new codes... directly into the DNA itself!

We now have incontrovertible evidence that this is exactly what is happening. The scientists simply haven't realized what they've got yet.


More recently, Dr. Robert Rohde used the same Sepkoski dataset to discover another cycle of even greater length -- 62 million years.

Raup and Sepkoski's cycle only went halfway back... about 250 million years.

Rohde's new cycle goes all the way back to the dawning of life on Earth as we know it -- some 542 million years ago!


Before skeptics hurl their inevitable brickbats, let's be advised that Dr. Rohde's study was published in perhaps the single most prestigious, top-drawer science publication in the world... Nature:

Special Thanks And Courtesy To:

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