The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. - John F. Kennedy — Inaugural Address, Jan. 20, 1961

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Now do the math. The last major manifestation of new species was 65 million years ago. Rohde's cycle is 62 million years, plus or minus 3 million.

We have not yet seen the next sudden burst of evolution that Rohde's cycle predicts.

Are we actually going through that new burst of evolution now?

If so, could there be astrophysical factors -- solar system or galactic -- that would be triggering this massive evolution?

Is this the first time we can directly observe what was triggering these changes over the last 542 million years?

It may very well be.


In conjunction with Richard C. Hoagland of the Enterprise Mission, we put together a comprehensive paper called "Interplanetary Day After Tomorrow" demonstrating that the climate changes we see on the Earth are, in fact, happening on every planet in the solar system [except Mercury] as well as the Sun itself.

Here's a brief summary of some initial data points from our exhaustive study, with over 100 mainstream / NASA scientific references:

Sun: Higher activity since 1940 than at any time in previous 11,000 years

Mercury: Unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field ... for a supposedly “dead ” planet

Venus: 2500% increase in auroral brightness, and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 30 years

Earth: Substantial and obvious world-wide weather and geophysical changes

Mars: “Global Warming, ” huge storms, disappearance of polar icecaps

Jupiter: Massive internal warming, over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds

Saturn: Major decrease in rotational speed in only ~20 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator

Uranus: “Really big, big changes ” in brightness, increased global cloud activity

Neptune: 40% increase in atmospheric brightness

Pluto: 300% increase in atmospheric pressure, even as Pluto drifts away from the Sun


As we have written before, Maurice Chatelain discovered a 6.2 million-year cycle written into the Sumerian clay tablets. Every planet and satellite in our Solar System experiences an even number of revolutions during this time... down to the second.

That also means that at some point, every 6.2 million years, all the planets would end up in a straight line! [This is not happening right now, of course, but at some point in the cycle it would.]


Obviously, 6.2 million years is a harmonic of Rohde's cycle. Simply shift the decimal point and you've arrived at 62 million years.

Bruce Cathie's incredible work with harmonics proves that you can add or remove zeroes to a number without losing its intrinsic 'vibrational' qualities.

[By 'vibration,' we simply mean the number of divisors -- how many different ways you can cut up a number into smaller pieces. The more divisors, the more 'vibration,' and the more harmonic the number will be.]


Evidence suggests that our Solar System is at the end of a very important cycle. We can track this cycle not only in the fossil record, but in the actual orbits of planets in the Solar System. This cycle was apparently important enough that the ancient Sumerians -- or those in contact with them -- were well aware of it.

Energy is streaming into the planets, causing them to become brighter, hotter and more magnetic.

We are on one of those planets. That same energy is streaming into us.

If the energy were 'dead' and lifeless, this might not mean much.

However, there is strong evidence that the energy is very much 'alive' -- and that it has a definite intelligence.

Therefore, it appears that every person on Earth is experiencing an energetic DNA charge-up right now, and it‘s triggering an evolution in humanity as we know it.

This could be responsible for an ever-increasing amount of paranormal reports in our society -- synchronicity, ESP and psychic ability, ghost sightings, and even the steady rise in IQ scores.

It may also be responsible for the incredible rise in political, economic, religious and social tensions in the world at this time. All the 'hidden' material is being exposed in the light of Truth.

Any "fair and balanced" discussion of the 2012 enigma would be incomplete by only exploring Earth Changes and the idea that we may be heading into an Armageddon or apocalypse.

With the new DNA information now coming through, there may be much more going on than most people would ever dare to imagine.

And that means there is Hope.

Special Thanks And Courtesy To:

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