The 2012 Maya Calender : End of 5th sun circle (human civilization) graphic Crop circle.
Lately there has been much discussion about the “end of the world” coming on December 21, 2012, according to some beliefs regarding the Mayan calender. The date December 21st, 2012 A.D., represents an extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution (supposedly) at exactly 11:11 am GMT. I don’t how true that is, but here are a few things that ARE true do know about the year 2012.
November 13, 2012 – Total Solar Eclipse.
Second and last solar transit of the planet Venus of this century.
2012 Olympics
The second largest Near Earth Object on record
is expected to pass Earth.
This is the year when California’s ban on the production of foie gras is scheduled to take effect.
NASA’s new Orion spacecraft is scheduled to become fully operational for International Space Station support flights.
China plans to launch the Kuafu spacecraft
Freedom Tower in New York City: Construction is scheduled to be finished by 2012 at the latest.
The Hallandsas Ridge Tunnel is set to be completed, 17 years behind the original plan.
The Canberra class light aircraft carriers/large amphibious ships, the largest ships ever to be operated by the Royal Australian Navy, are planned to be in service by 2012.
NASA predicts that the Sun will also reverse its own magnetic poles during 2012 as result of reaching the end of the current 11-year sunspot cycle.
Charles Manson will be eligible for a parole hearing again.
Don’t you feel so much better now?
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