Farewell Atlantis

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. - John F. Kennedy — Inaugural Address, Jan. 20, 1961

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Timeline -Doomsday Clock

2010: International cooperation rules the day. Talks between Washington and Moscow for a follow-on agreement to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty are nearly complete, and more negotiations for further reductions in the U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenal are already planned. Additionally, Barack Obama becomes the first U.S. president to publicly call for a nuclear-weapon-free world. The dangers posed by climate change are still great, but there are pockets of progress. Most notably: At Copenhagen, the developing and industrialized countries agree to take responsibility for carbon emissions and to limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius.

2007: The world stands at the brink of a second nuclear age. The United States and Russia remain ready to stage a nuclear attack within minutes, North Korea conducts a nuclear test, and many in the international community worry that Iran plans to acquire the Bomb. Climate change also presents a dire challenge to humanity. Damage to ecosystems is already taking place; flooding, destructive storms, increased drought, and polar ice melt are causing loss of life and property.

2002: Concerns regarding a nuclear terrorist attack underscore the enormous amount of unsecured--and sometimes unaccounted for--weapon-grade nuclear materials located throughout the world. Meanwhile, the United States expresses a desire to design new nuclear weapons, with an emphasis on those able to destroy hardened and deeply buried targets. It also rejects a series of arms control treaties and announces it will withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

1998: India and Pakistan stage nuclear weapons tests only three weeks apart. "The tests are a symptom of the failure of the international community to fully commit itself to control the spread of nuclear weapons--and to work toward substantial reductions in the numbers of these weapons," a dismayed Bulletin reports. Russia and the United States continue to serve as poor examples to the rest of the world. Together, they still maintain 7,000 warheads ready to fire at each other within 15 minutes.

1995: Hopes for a large post-Cold War peace dividend and a renouncing of nuclear weapons fade. Particularly in the United States, hard-liners seem reluctant to soften their rhetoric or actions, as they claim that a resurgent Russia could provide as much of a threat as the Soviet Union. Such talk slows the rollback in global nuclear forces; more than 40,000 nuclear weapons remain worldwide. There is also concern that terrorists could exploit poorly secured nuclear facilities in the former Soviet Union.

1991: With the Cold War officially over, the United States and Russia begin making deep cuts to their nuclear arsenals. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty greatly reduces the number of strategic nuclear weapons deployed by the two former adversaries. Better still, a series of unilateral initiatives remove most of the intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers in both countries from hair-trigger alert. "The illusion that tens of thousands of nuclear weapons are a guarantor of national security has been stripped away," the Bulletin declares.

1990: As one Eastern European country after another (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania) frees itself from Soviet control, Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev refuses to intervene, halting the ideological battle for Europe and significantly diminishing the risk of all-out nuclear war. In late 1989, the Berlin Wall falls, symbolically ending the Cold War. "Forty-four years after Winston Churchill's 'Iron Curtain' speech, the myth of monolithic communism has been shattered for all to see," the Bulletin proclaims.

1988: The United States and Soviet Union sign the historic Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the first agreement to actually ban a whole category of nuclear weapons. The leadership shown by President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev makes the treaty a reality, but public opposition to U.S. nuclear weapons in Western Europe inspires it. For years, such intermediate-range missiles had kept Western Europe in the crosshairs of the two superpowers.

1984: U.S.-Soviet relations reach their iciest point in decades. Dialogue between the two superpowers virtually stops. "Every channel of communications has been constricted or shut down; every form of contact has been attenuated or cut off. And arms control negotiations have been reduced to a species of propaganda," a concerned Bulletin informs readers. The United States seems to flout the few arms control agreements in place by seeking an expansive, space-based anti-ballistic missile capability, raising worries that a new arms race will begin.

1981: The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan hardens the U.S. nuclear posture. Before he leaves office, President Jimmy Carter pulls the United States from the Olympics Games in Moscow and considers ways in which the United States could win a nuclear war. The rhetoric only intensifies with the election of Ronald Reagan as president. Reagan scraps any talk of arms control and proposes that the best way to end the Cold War is for the United States to win it.

1980: Thirty-five years after the start of the nuclear age and after some promising disarmament gains, the United States and the Soviet Union still view nuclear weapons as an integral component of their national security. This stalled progress discourages the Bulletin: "[The Soviet Union and United States have] been behaving like what may best be described as 'nucleoholics'--drunks who continue to insist that the drink being consumed is positively 'the last one,' but who can always find a good excuse for 'just one more round.'"

1974: South Asia gets the Bomb, as India tests its first nuclear device. And any gains in previous arms control agreements seem like a mirage. The United States and Soviet Union appear to be modernizing their nuclear forces, not reducing them. Thanks to the deployment of multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRV), both countries can now load their intercontinental ballistic missiles with more nuclear warheads than before.

1972: The United States and Soviet Union attempt to curb the race for nuclear superiority by signing the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) and the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. The two treaties force a nuclear parity of sorts. SALT limits the number of ballistic missile launchers either country can possess, and the ABM Treaty stops an arms race in defensive weaponry from developing.

1969: Nearly all of the world's nations come together to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The deal is simple--the nuclear weapon states vow to help the treaty's non-nuclear weapon signatories develop nuclear power if they promise to forego producing nuclear weapons. The nuclear weapon states also pledge to abolish their own arsenals when political conditions allow for it. Although Israel, India, and Pakistan refuse to sign the treaty, the Bulletin is cautiously optimistic: "The great powers have made the first step. They must proceed without delay to the next one--the dismantling, gradually, of their own oversized military establishments."

1968: Regional wars rage. U.S. involvement in Vietnam intensifies, India and Pakistan battle in 1965, and Israel and its Arab neighbors renew hostilities in 1967. Worse yet, France and China develop nuclear weapons to assert themselves as global players. "There is little reason to feel sanguine about the future of our society on the world scale," the Bulletin laments. "There is a mass revulsion against war, yes; but no sign of conscious intellectual leadership in a rebellion against the deadly heritage of international anarchy."

1963: After a decade of almost non-stop nuclear tests, the United States and Soviet Union sign the Partial Test Ban Treaty, which ends all atmospheric nuclear testing. While it does not outlaw underground testing, the treaty represents progress in at least slowing the arms race. It also signals awareness among the Soviets and United States that they need to work together to prevent nuclear annihilation.

1960: Political actions belie the tough talk of "massive retaliation." For the first time, the United States and Soviet Union appear eager to avoid direct confrontation in regional conflicts such as the 1956 Egyptian-Israeli dispute. Joint projects that build trust and constructive dialogue between third parties also quell diplomatic hostilities. Scientists initiate many of these measures, helping establish the International Geophysical Year, a series of coordinated, worldwide scientific observations, and the Pugwash Conferences, which allow Soviet and American scientists to interact.

1953: After much debate, the United States decides to pursue the hydrogen bomb, a weapon far more powerful than any atomic bomb. In October 1952, the United States tests its first thermonuclear device, obliterating a Pacific Ocean islet in the process; nine months later, the Soviets test an H-bomb of their own. "The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again," the Bulletin announces. "Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization."

1949: The Soviet Union denies it, but in the fall, President Harry Truman tells the American public that the Soviets tested their first nuclear device, officially starting the arms race. "We do not advise Americans that doomsday is near and that they can expect atomic bombs to start falling on their heads a month or year from now," the Bulletin explains. "But we think they have reason to be deeply alarmed and to be prepared for grave decisions."

1947: As the Bulletin evolves from a newsletter into a magazine, the Clock appears on the cover for the first time. It symbolizes the urgency of the nuclear dangers that the magazine's founders--and the broader scientific community--are trying to convey to the public and political leaders around the world.

Special Thanks And Courtesy To:


A Doomsday Chart comparing Doomsday Clock to pollution.

Doomsday Clock Chart

The Doomsday Clock from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Site

Doomsday chart

Doomsday Chart comparing various stressors.

This is a chart showing the relationships between outdoor air pollution, water pollution, malnourished people, A-bombs and the Doomsday Clock. It is very generalized but it is a point of departure from which a conversation can begin. The A-bombs start from a common level as a generalized comparison of the harm that they are capable of doing compared to air, water and famine on a world wide level. The countries possess nuclear stockpiles charted above are from date of first bomb to total destructiveness US, USSR, GB, FR, Ch, In, Is, Pk. The chart is based on the Probaway – Disaster Scale. At their top they are based on a Hiroshima level bomb and then multiplied by the number of bombs that the various countries obtained after that starting date to give an additive quantity of destructiveness. The USA and the USSR got into a suicidal contest and brought their number of weapons up to the point of total annihilation of humanity. So far the other countries have been more restrained seeking only deterrence or limited by resources.

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10 Largest Volcanoes

1. Mount Mazama/Crater Lake, Oregon-Over 6,000 crater_lake_aerial.jpg (46659 bytes)years ago Mount Mazama (posthumously named) erupted. Before the explosion the mountain was 12,000 feet high; when it was over it had been replaced by a 1,900-foot deep crater. Crater Lake, famed for its intense blue waters, was made a National Park in 1902. Volcanic activity occurred some time after the Mount Mazama explosion, creating Wizard Island in the middle of the lake. See Crater Lake National Park Homepage for more information. Picture: David Muench/Corbis |

2. Mount Etna, Sicily-Although Mount Etna (or Aetna) is Etna_1669fresco.jpg (133766 bytes)the highest active volcano in Europe, its renown comes from its role in Greek legends and in ancient works by writers such as Hesiod, Pindar and Aeschylus. According to Greco-Roman mythology, the giants -- the enemies of the gods -- were buried beneath Mount Etna. In their efforts to break free, the Giants caused frequent earthquakes around the mountain. The most recent eruption, in the Bove Valley section of Etna Volcano Park, occurred in December 1991. © 1998 Parco dell'Etna

3. Mount Vesuvius, Italy-Vesuvius' eruption in 79 A.DVesuvius 1944.jpg (27870 bytes). covered the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, preserving them for generations to come. But this eruption also holds a place in history because of its documentation. Pliny the Younger left a detailed description of the event in two letters to Tacitus. A type of eruption -- the Plinian type -- is named for Pliny the Elder who died in the catastrophe. The volcano is still active and has had several eruptions -- the most deadly being in 1631. Check out this Mount Vesuvius page. Picture: UPI/Corbis-Bettmann |

4. Mount Tambora, Indonesia-The largest eruption tambora1.jpg (8945 bytes) during the last two centuries, as well as the deadliest volcano in recorded history, Mount Tambora exploded April 10-11, 1815. It killed an estimated 92,000 people. Almost 80,000 of the victims died of starvation brought on by the agricultural devastation in the volcano's wake. The eruption and the resulting massive clouds of dust and ash affected most of the Northern Hemisphere, causing unusually cool temperatures and failed crops in 1816 -- sometimes referred to as "the year without a summer." See Mount Tambora. Picture: NASA |

5. Mount Krakatau, Indonesia-On August 27, 1883, krakatoa.jpg (38344 bytes) Mount Krakatau exploded with such force that it was heard in Australia, over 2,000 miles away. The force of the eruption triggered a series of tsunamis that reached the Hawaiian islands and the coast of South America, killing more than 36,000 people. The five cubic miles of ejecta covered the surrounding areas in darkness for over two days and caused a series of dramatic sunsets around the world throughout the following year. The explosion and subsequent collapse of the volcano left only a remnant of the island above sea level. By 1928, another small island had emerged from a rising volcanic cone. Visit Krakatau, Indonesia. Picture: Corbis-Bettmann |

6. Mount Pelee, Martinique-The eruption on May 8, pelee2.jpg (40366 bytes) 1902, killed 29,000, destroying the port town of Saint-Pierre four miles away. Almost all the deaths were caused by the resulting pyroclastic flow -- a deadly, fast-moving cloud of hot gas and dense liquidized volcanic particles.Only two residents of the town survived the flow. Volcanology (also called Volcanism) was at best a primitive science in 1902, and the existence of pyroclastic flows was unknown. After this disaster a "new" type of eruption was named after Mount Pelee - the Pelean-type eruption. See Mount Pelee eruption. Photograph of the remains of St. Pierre by Heilprin, 1902.

7. Parícutin, Mexico-In February 1943, a pile of ash Paricutin.jpg (12860 bytes) began to rise from a corn field near the town of Parícutin, Mexico. A mountain began to emerge from the earth, reaching a height of 1,200 feet in one year. Although the ensuing nine-year eruption resulted in the destruction of the town of Parícutin, it presented the modern world with a remarkable opportunity to see the birth of a volcano. Only three people died, all by lightning associated with the eruption. Visit Parícutin. Picture: Daniel Laine/Corbis |

8. Mount St. Helens, Washington-One of the more St. Helens.jpg (32139 bytes) highly publicized and studied volcanic explosions, Mount St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980. The volcano, which had been dormant since 1857, began erupting steam after a series of earthquakes in March 1980. The 1978 prediction of the U.S. Geological Survey that violent and intermittent volcanic activity would begin, "within the next 100 years, and perhaps even before the end of this century," had come true. Luckily, close study of St. Helens prevented a major loss of life. Even so, 60 deaths resulted from the May 18 eruption. Learn more about Mount St. Helens. Picture: Cascades Volcano Observatory/USGS/Photodisc |

9. Nevada del Ruiz, Colombia-Although the eruption of nevada del Ruiz.jpg (22767 bytes) Nevado del Ruiz (or Mount Ruiz) on November 13, 1985, was relatively small, the ensuing mudslides caused by melting ice and snow resulted in the the death of 23,000 people and the destruction of the town of Armero. Most of the residents would have survived had they moved to higher ground. This eruption brought attention to the fact that growing numbers of people live within the danger zones of the world's volcanoes. A larger eruption of Ruiz in 1845 killed about 700 people. Visit Nevada del Ruiz. Picture: Reuters/Fabio Serrano/Archive Photos |

10. Mount Pinatubo, Philippines-Killing almost 800 and pinatubo_1991.jpg (41250 bytes) leaving an estimated 100,000 homeless, Mount Pinatubo's eruption in June 1991 was 10 times larger than the Mount St. Helens' eruption and one of the biggest of the 20th century. It emitted a cloud of smoke and ash over 19 miles high. The evacuation of more than 70,000 people and the volcanic event were broadcast worldwide, making Pinatubo (in)famous throughout the world. Learn more about Mount Pinatubo. Picture: US Geological Survey

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chronology of Events leading to December 21 2012

The list of events that are taking or have taken place in our history that prove 2012 will be of grave importance. Please be aware that some events on this list are not "recorded" in our modern history (ie past 2000 years).

1. The Sumerians occupied ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq). They were the 1st civilization to document their lives, their beliefs and facts about their civilization. From them, the Hebrews, Hopi Indians, Greeks, Romans and other civilizations have also recorded historical information that we have today as proof that they indeed lived and survived Nibiru's last visits.

2. Nostradamus, who lived in the 15th century Europe, had prophetic “visions” that he left for all to read about and heed in the years extending after his death. Many of those predictions have already come true, some still need to occur.

3. Edgar Cayce, a 20th century prophet and seer through dreams in a trance induced state, left many predictions of the fate of the world in the years after his death. Casey made predictions that have so far, been on target and many still to yet be fulfilled.

4. The Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas all used the same calendar that ends in our Gregorian calendar year of December 21st, 2012. The fate of these civilizations is a mystery. Their peoples suffered greatly during the years when the Spanish were out conquering the world. It is believed that many of these indigenous peoples of South America scattered around the Americas and are today still around many generations later. Their empires and all that remains of them still has many unanswered questions regarding their building techniques and astronomy. Their calendars were turned inside out by the Roman Catholic Church and the Gregorian Calendar made to replace them.

5. The last time that Nibiru visited our solar system was in the year or years around 1588 BC.

6. The Earth’s magnetic poles are currently shifting. The North Pole is moving toward Siberia. As these poles shift, the weather systems of the earth also change. There has been unusual weather around the world in the last 20 or so years. The closer Nibiru and its Brown Dwarf / Dark Star gets closer to our solar system, the more their magnetic flux affects the orbits, axis and trajectories of the planets in our system.

7. The oceans of the earth depend upon the magnetic flux of the earth for their movements. The great currents that move water around under the ocean are beginning to stop, meaning that the ocean water will soon become heated and stagnant, possibly unable to support life.

8. The Polar ice caps are melting, not due to “global warming” as claimed by global warming activists, but due to the earth’s magnetic poles shifting. As this shift occurs, we are seeing large sections of ice sheets break off at both poles. The earth will change its tilt and its axis will realign once the pole shift completes. Desert regions may now become plush gardens and vice versa.

9. Volcanic eruptions are happening all over the planet. In America, the biggest volcano we have is the Yellowstone Caldera. The bottom of Yellowstone Lake has risen over 100 feet in the last 50 years. The earth’s crust is not very stable in this area. If the Yellowstone Caldera were to blow its top off, we are told that a shock wave caused by the blast would move about 400 mph and an area of about 1600 circular miles would be devastated by the blast. It does not take into account all the ash blown into the atmosphere and the nuclear winter that would take place afterwards. Also, dormant volcanoes all over the world are waking up. The earth’s nuclear engine is swinging into full gear as the earth’s magnetic poles are changing, forcing magma output to greatly increase with the increased pressures within the earth’s magma fields.

10. Earthquakes are on the rise. The plates that the earth rides on are beginning to move do to an increase in magma activity under the earth’s crust and due to the earth’s magnetic poles shifting. Areas that see a lot of earthquake activity in years past will have greater activity as Nibiru enters our solar system.

11. Sun spot activity is at a stand still at this time. Soon, sun spots will start to appear in great numbers and sunspot solar activity will increase the closer Nibiru and its Brown Dwarf / Dark Star get closer, also causing weather anomalies to occur everywhere.

12. The Vatican has built two earth based telescopes (Vulcan and Vatt) and is currently about launch their own space based telescope so they can view Nibiru as it approaches. SETI, NASA and several other space organizations around the world have been monitoring Nibiru’s travel via telescopes in Antarctica. You can view pictures taken by an amateur photographer from the southern region of the planet that shows Nibiru in the early evening sky with our Sun on YouTube if you search and view the video called (Nibiru 2). We are told that we will be able to see Nibiru beginning in 2009 with the naked eye as it enters and passes through our solar system through 2014 and that its size could be compared to the moon when viewed.

13. Bible Scripture describes a war in the latter days in the middle east. One that we are involved in. Something will happen that will cause the flesh to melt off the bones and the eyes out of the sockets. This could be a nuclear bomb, a neutron bomb or an impact from an asteroid that could cause this. The Tigress and Euphrates rivers will dry up allowing the armies of GOG and MAGOG (Russia and China) to march across them toward Israel. It is possible that Iran and North Korea would be involved in this.

14. The Catholic church is only supposed to have 1 more POPE before 2012. That POPE will admit that they have been misleading the church for hundreds of years causing a renewal to occur in the Catholic Faith.

15. Movies and TV Shows in recent years have had us preparing for the coming events of 2012. Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, V, Stargate, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Star Wars and Battlefield Earth, just to mention a few, have been influencing our thoughts. It goes without saying that UFO’s and UFO activity have been increasing in the last 100 years. Stories about Reptilian aliens, Grey Aliens, Human like Norsemen Aliens have dominated parts of our culture. Time Travel, Wormholes, Space Travel have also plagued our imaginations. These things are now or will be soon possible. The Annunuki may possibly soon arrive from Nibiru as it passes through our solar system.

16. The US Government has been busy preparing for 2012 problems. They intend on only saving a few lives, particularly those they deem viable, which does not include me or you. It is this behavior that has brought down the houses of old since the Sumerian times.

"Special Thanks And Courtesy To" :

List of reptilian humanoids

Reptilian humanoids comprise a common motif in creation mythology, folklore, science fiction, fantasy, conspiracy theories, ufology and cryptozoology.[1]

In mythology

Reptilian humanoids in world mythology include:

In cryptozoology

Purported reptilian humanoid cryptids include:

In ufology and conspiracy theories


In fiction

Examples of fictional reptilian humanoids include:

Doctor Who
Star Trek
other television
in comics
in games
in film
in literature

Other Cultures and Civilizations with a 2012 Event Timeline

  • Hopi Predict a 25yr period of purification followed by End of Fourth World and beginning of the Fifth.

  • Mayans Call it the 'end days' or the end of time as we know it.

  • Maoris Say that as the veils dissolve there will be a merging of the physical & spiritual worlds.

  • Zulu Believe that the whole world will be turned upside down.

  • Hindus Kali Yuga (end time of man). The Coming of Kalki & critical mass of Enlightened Ones.

  • Incas Call it the 'Age of Meeting Ourselves Again'.

  • Aztec Call this the Time of the Sixth Sun. A time of transformation. Creation of new race.

  • Dogon Say that the spaceship of the visitors, the Nommo, will return in the form of a blue star.

  • Pueblo Acknowledge it'll be the emergence into the Fifth World

  • Cherokee Their ancient calendar ends exactly at 2012 as does the Mayan calendar.

  • Tibetan Kalachakra teachings are prophesies left by Buddha predicting Coming of the Golden Age.

  • Egypt According to the Great Pyramid (stone calendar), present time cycle ends in year 2012 AD

Who are Annunaki

Annunaki -
Found In Genesis 25:32

Also known as Jedi, or Nephilim

Who were the Annunaki? They were the Watchers, Watchmen assigned to earth to watch over Yahweh's Creation in the Garden of Eden and Earth . They were created by God as perfect Angels. These Watchers rebelled against God and their assignment and a mutiny followed as they abandoned their mission to oversee humans and began to defile the women of the earth by having offspring with them. This led to a giant defect in the DNA of the offspring and an eventual almost complete contamination of the human DNA. By the time Yahweh destroyed the world with a flood because of this contamination, only one family on earth was left with pure human DNA. But even after the flood, the Watchers kept revolting and even more were punished and cast out of heaven losing their first estate and habitation, as they continued to defile women and human DNA (Genesis 6:4) This hybridization and corruption of the human DNA is still very much a part of our world although the giant defect has been corrected and most hybridization goes undetected. Why is the church silent on UFOs, Aliens, abductions, implantations, and forced breedings?

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